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How are your Soft Skills?

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Are your soft skills too hard?

Have you ever wondered why people just don’t do what you ask?

Soft skills matter now more than ever. Just look at the numbers of employees at all levels leaving organizations and bosses. The Great Resignation/Reset is real. 90% of most problems that lead to your people leaving or at least mentally checking out can be linked back to a lack of or ineffective communication. Your conversation agility is critical to help you navigate through situational landmines, recover and more positively from even the most difficult conversations.

Have you heard - the statistics are 69% of employees work harder when they felt appreciated and heard.

Did you know - that teams that felt well connected and supported performed 20-25% better than those who were not according to a Mckinsey.

Three areas to offer you relief and hope:

Better Self awareness

Better Self Management

Better Self Leadership

The biggest things I hear my clients say is:

#1 not enough time

#2 they don’t know how

During these times leaders must embrace they don't have enough time not to, picking up the pieces of a destructive conversation will often take much more time in the long run and the damage is often difficult to repair if at all.

Growing your conversational intelligence and agility is a key defining skill for leaders that are the ones everyone wants to work with and those that don't.



I'm Darlene

With over 25 years of building successful, cohesive, and inspired teams, Darlene Huff is an experienced and certified coach specializing in executive development. Through The Coaching Suite, she guides executives and next level leaders to fine tune their skills to meet the demands of our new world of business.

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